
Why Your Business Is Not Very Findable Online

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Picture this...

You're a small business owner, hustling daily and hoping to make your mark in the digital world. You've heard about the power of online presence and how it can skyrocket your business to new heights.

"97% of consumers first turn to the Internet to look for information on local products and services."

~ Google

So, naturally, you decide to take the plunge and create a website for your business. You pour your heart and soul into it, ensuring perfect detail. You hit publish and wait for the flood of customers to pour in.

But here's the harsh reality...

The reality is that your website is just a speck in the vast ocean of the internet. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. You may have a beautiful website with all the bells and whistles. But what's the point if no one can find it?

"90% of searchers never go past the first page of search results."

~ Google

So why is it that most businesses are not very findable online?

Let's take a look at competition, visibility, and algorithm updates.


First and foremost, there's the issue of competition. The online world is crowded, with hundreds of businesses locally vying for attention. It's like being in a never-ending race, where everyone is trying to outrun each other to get to the finish line.

And since Google says that most consumers don't go past the first page of search results, the stakes are even higher.


But it's not just about competition. It's also about visibility. Think about it: When did you last go beyond the first page of search results? Chances are, it's been a while.

We live in a fast-paced world where instant gratification is the name of the game. We want answers, and we want them now. So if your business doesn't show up on that first page, you might as well be invisible.

Frequent Search Algorithm Updates

Now, let's talk about the ever-changing algorithms. Search engines like Google constantly update their algorithms to provide users with the most relevant and high-quality results. 

"Experts estimate that Google updates its algorithm somewhere between 500-600 times per year."

~ Manick Bhan (SmartBrief)

It's like trying to hit a moving target. One day, your website might be ranking high, and the next day, it's nowhere to be found. It's a never-ending game of cat and mouse, where you're constantly trying to stay one step ahead.

Business owners don't have time to keep up with search engine changes. But we make time to do that for you.


And let's not forget about the importance of keywords. Keywords are like the secret code that unlocks the door to your website. They're the words and phrases that people type into search engines when they're looking for something.

"Some business owners initially think their businesses are easily findable online because they search for their business names and find them immediately. The mistake they're making is that consumers who've never heard of your business aren't going to search using your business name."

~ Don Roberts (Digital Marketing Consultant)

So if you're not using the right keywords, you're missing out on a huge opportunity to be found. It's like having a map of buried treasure but not knowing how to read it.

Becoming more findable is challenging, but here's how it can be done...

The road to online visibility is not easy, and it's become tougher over the years. It's filled with challenges and obstacles at every turn.

But fear not, for there are proven ways our team navigates the treacherous terrain. It's all about understanding the game, staying ahead of the curve, and never giving up. 

So what are you waiting for?

Check out our digital marketing services or better yet, call us at (408) 890-6395 to claim your rightful place in the digital world. Your customers are waiting, and it's time to make your mark.

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NOTE: The video mentions a "discovery application." We no longer require this. Simply call us at (408) 890-6395!

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