
General Contractor Marketing

Contractor Marketing​

​Welcome Contractors from Michael A. Baum's Book

5-Star Rated

My name is Don Roberts (Internet marketing expert), and I want to congratulations for making the smart decision to take advantage of this special marketing resource! As mentioned in Michael's book "How To Explode Your Contracting Business," on this page you'll get proven marketing strategies that you can start putting to work today to help you grow your home remodeling business.

Here's What Michael Has Arranged For You To Get​

  • ​Advanced Marketing Tips - Get our proven ​tips to help make ​your general contracting business more findable online. This is great for you because being more findable means you'll have more home owners contacting your business for their home remodeling projects.
  • NEW - Website Audit - ​Find out how strong your general contractor website is. That's awesome ​for you because the report will show you what things are holding your website back in the Google search results. ​Our proprietary Search Engine Optimization Checker ​​will thoroughly analyze your web page in a matter of moments and provide you with tailored report - that you can download for your records.
  • Custom Google Review Link ​- Our proprietary tool connects to Google's database to create a unique link that you can share with your clients. This is amazing for you because the link will lead your clients directly to the specific Google review form for your business. ​Yelp reviews are helpful, but more Google reviews equals more business to you.
    Normally a review form can be hard to find—which can result in fewer client reviews for your business. But, the link-generator makes your form easy to find.
  • Special Discount - ​Michael has persnally arranged for you to get a special discount ​​for custom website creation and ​SEO marketing services. Because you're a reader of Michael's book, you automatically qualify for this exclusive offer​.​

​ is easily one of the best SEO companies around!

Image of Michael A. Baum

​Michael A. Baum​

General Contractor​ & Best Selling Author

​Advanced Tips

Tip #1 - Get My Insider Tips Report

One of the very best tips I can give you is to get a free copy of my special insider report because it will help you attract more homeowner clients and sales.​ This smart move gets even better because I'll also be sending you my best tips and recommendations to help you make your contracting business even more findable online​. Naturally, that leads to more sales.

Tip #2 - Share "Before & After" Photos

The home remodeling business is ​very visual in nature. Provide a "Wow!" expereince for your prospective clients. Show them lots of "before & after" photos by shar​ing them on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter. To get the maximum "Wow!" effect, stand in the exact same location for the "after" photo that you stood in for the "before" photo. When taking the "before" photo, just note it down - and refer to your note when taking the "after photo". ​Be sure ​the lighting is as good as possible. Share your "before & after" photos as soon as you complete the pair. Share the "after" photos, too, even if you haven't taken a "before" image. The idea here is to contantly have your brand associated with the beautiful remodeling projects you do.​ Don't skip this step...

Ninja Tip #2A - Show-up Where Homeowners Meet

In many areas of the country, is an information exchange area for area residents. Neighbors discuss things that are happening in their communities. People are always looking for recommendations, ​especially homeowners. Why not arrange for your business to be mentioned from time to time. While you could advertise in the daily email blasts that go out to area subscribers, you could be even more clever about.

You could even ask your clients to post ​images you provide​. Think of this for a moment. I'm constantly seeing posts where neighbors are seeking recommendations for plumbers, handymen, contractors, etc. When someone asks about a service for a provider I've used and was happy with, I automatically share the provider's name. And, not just the person asking for the reference in the first place sees my recommendation. Everyone sees it. What difference do you think it would make to your business ​​if it was being recommended over & over again?

And, in between recommendation requests, you could arrange for clients to post​ photos from time to time showing your work to homeowners in ​your service area​. I recommend refraining any "salesy" language in their posts. Just, something along the lines of, "We just finished our home remodel. Check out this before & after photo." Naturally, you can have your branding & contact info on the photos. Just do it subtly so you don't get flagged for spamming. Enjoy your new lead-generation channel!

​Lastly, login to your NextDoor account and arrange for NextDoor to send you a summary of messages posted in your area.​ For anyone who's asked for recommendations on remodeling services, reply to them indicating you'd be happy to chat with them about what they're looking for. Not only will that person ​see your response, but so will everyone else to who reads the comment thread. This will help make your business much more findable in your immediate area. Tip - You want your response to come off as being helpful, not opportunistic. Refrain from "salesy" language or langauge about how many happy customers you have. Just language on "how you may be able to assist". ​Doing it this way can help establish authority and expertise in your area.

​Start putting these tips to work today for your business because they will help you attract more home owner prospects.

SEO Website Audit​

Image of Click the image image above to get your free website audit report

This one is a big deal. ​The average home remodeling contractor website has several hidden problems that negatively impact its findability online. That's important because online is where most homeowners start looking for information in the Age of the Internet. 

Smart general contractors ​use our website audit tool to see how search-engine-friendly ​their business websites are ​for the search engines - like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Our free SEO checker tool audits your contractor website and analyzes its search-engine-friendliness, including its state of mobile-device-responsiveness. You'll get an instant report showing you specific areas for improvement that can help your remodeling business become more findable online. Get your SEO audit report here

Google Customer Review Link​

image of Google Review Link Generator

Click image above to create your link​

Here's another ​big deal​. Over the years, I feel that Google has unintentionally made it difficult for ​the clients of a given general contractor ​to be able to leave a customer review for the contractor. That's bad because your home remodeling business will get fewer reviews. And, that's bad because ​remodeling contractors with few or no ​Google+ reviews are typically not very findable ​in the search results.

But, I've got a secret weapon for you. I believe that Google puts special emphasis on their own online properties - and reward businesses for making use of them. And, a great way to give Google what they're looking for is to take advantage of my Google+ Customer Review Link Generator​. ​This custom tool creates a link that you share with your clients that allows them to go directly to the Google+ customer review form for your business. No more clients choosing to give up in frustration because they couldn't seem to find out how to leave your business a review. Now, they simply click the custom link you provide. They sign-in to Google - just like a Yelp user has to sign-in to Yelp for a Yelp review, And, they can easily provide your review. This is secret sauce that your competitors are not even aware of...

Click here to create your customer review link

Google+ Customer Review Link Generator

Special Discount​

Thank Michael A. Baum for working-out this special deal for you. Michael's twisted my arm to make ​it more affordable for you to not only have great website, but to also enjoy getting new clients ​by taking advantage of our ongoing online marketing services.

Website Creation

From reading Michael's book, you already know that ​having the same sort of templated website that every other general contractor has just doesn't work out that well for the search results. Nor, does having a site from one of the me-too website-builder services. Neither seem to rank well in the search results, and you often have limited control of how the website looks. And, if the website-builder service shuts down - or the website template developer stops updating the templates to work with ongoing updates to WordPress, your website is history - and so are your sales.

Michael has arranged two options for you.

Option 1 is ​a choice of a pre-designed website. Now, while that may sound similar to one of the templated website packages - that I continue to recommend that you steer clear of, this one ​is built on top of a search engine loving framework that makes Google and the others pay attention to. Unlike the templated site packages from other developers, the content on our sites are fully customizable. And, it's under your control.

The discount price for an Option 1 website is just $1297, and it includes minor* changes to "look & feel" and functionality. The Option 1 website includes a home page, an About Us page, a Services page, a Contact Us page, a Privacy Policy page, and a Terms of Service page. Additional pages or enhanced website functionality are available for an additional charge. The website domain name and hosting are not included in the price, but they're inexpensive for you because of our special arrangement with ​our preferred website hosting company. Routine monthly website maintenance is not included. Initial and ongoing online marketing services are also not included in Option 1 pricing. Anti-hacker deterrent technology is included.

(When I first told Michael about the anti-hacker system I include, he later informed me that when I was talking, it reminded him of Charlie Brown's teacher talking to the class - ​wah, wah, wah. But, when he began hearing about the continual hacking attempts on his site that my system helps protect against, he realized that this feature of our service is a big deal. We monitor our clients sites around the clock, and we have layers of protection in place.)

Option 2 (most popular) is a more custom website that is designed to your specifications. It includes more back & forth design changes, but not unlimited back & forth design changes. The discount price for an Option 2 website is just $1497. It includes the same pages as an Option 1 website, but it also includes ​the following premium elements:

  • Enhanced Services & Cities Served Pages - This alone is incredible because dedicated pages will be created on your website for the specific local area cities you want to target for your services. The addition of these city pages to your website help your contracting business to become more findable by the very homeowners located in those cities who are actively searching for home remodeling & home improvement service that your business offers. ​ 
  • Additional "Legal" Pages - With this preferred option, we'll include an Anti-Spam Policy page, a Copyright Notice Page, A Disclaimer page, a Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) Page, ​and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Compliance page, and a Social Media Disclosure page.​
  • Email Capture & List ​Building Functionality - Knowledgeable marketers know the phrase "The money is is the list". With Option 2​, we'll include the ability for you to capture the email addresses of your website visitors who choose to take you up on a free offer - like them receiving ​​ helpful ​kitchen remodeling checklist or special tips report​. With your email autoresponder service (we can help you choose one), you'll be able to follow-up with homeowners via periodic emails providing them helpful remodeling related advice - until such time as they decide to contact you to arrange for a remodeling project quote.

Note that ​Option 2 does not ​include the actual email autoresponder service, the website domain name, the website hosting plan, or ongoing online marketing services. And, routine monthly website maintenance is not included related to ongoing improvements provided by ​the WordPress framework development team. Anti-hacker deterrent technology is included.

* What is considered to be a "minor" or "major" change is determined exclusively by Don Roberts​

​Initial & Ongoing Marketing SEO Services

You can have the nicest-looking, search engine optimized website ever created, but if you want to dominate the search results, then there's really only one way to accomplish that. And, that is to have a proven expert do it for you. There are a lot of SEOs out there, but so many spam the heck out of your website - or they use techniques that used to fool Google years ago - but, no longer. Those practices can get your business website banned from the search results...

I have extensive experience ranking client websites favorably in the search results, and I regularly mastermind with the top online marketers in the world - typically daily.

Smart business owners hire me because I deliver customers to them - month after month. The value essentially boils-down to a question of return on investment. Would you trade a dollar to get three, four, or more dollars in return? ​Savvy business owners would do that all day long. Here's what I'll do for your business:

I initially make your business more findable in the search results. It can take 6-8 months to get there. I also strive to maintain your favorable search results positioning. Google made over 500 changes to their search algorithm last year. I stay on top of the changes and adjust ​monthly marketing services accordingly.

Over time, I place strategic mentions of your business on high authority websites. These links are very powerful and act as a vote of confidence for your business website (as perceived by Google). It's important to note that all links are leased to your business for the duration of you being an active client of mine. Should my monthly services be terminated by you or me, all links are subject to immediate removal or re-purposing for uses that are not related to your business​. Note that this can - and typically does - dramatically impact the favorability of your search results rankings.

  • Routine Monthly Website ​Maintenance - The WordPress development team frequently updates the WordPress framework for new functionality, bug fixes, and security updates​. Also, there are corresponding updates to programming modules (plugins) provided by the plugin developers. We'll provide the frequent updates to your business website so that you don't have to.
  • Strategic Initial ​Marketing Actions - Our proprietary system is designed to initially help​ make your business website more findable online. This is a crucial initial step in helping build your online presence.
  • Strategic Ongoing ​Marketing Actions - Our ongoing marketing actions are crucial for helping attain ​AND maintain ​your website's favorable search result rankings. By way of recall, Google makes ​over 500 changes to it's search algorithm last year. And, your business has a lot of competition for the precious few favorable spots in the first page search results. It's imperative to keep this marketing action ongoing - otherwise your initial favorable positioning will slip away. And, that means fewer ongoing sales.

What To Do Right Now​...

  • 1
    Get your Google SEO audit using our ​Google SEO Checker tool​.
  • 2
    Get you custom link to share with your clients to get more Google customer reviews
  • 3
    Take advantage of the special pricing that Michael arranged for you for our website design and online marketing services.

Also, be sure to begin implementing the customer approved ​marketing tips mentioned above​. It's all worth you time.

Contact me here to get your ​Insider Tips Report and to take advantage of Michael's special pricing offer.

Act now before the offer expires...

Discover the Top 3 Things You Can Start Doing Today To Attract More Customers & Sales